September 18

How to Balance School Work with Church Responsibilities

Written by Rev. Levi Berntson, assistant professor of theology

Finding balance is challenging i...

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September 04

5 Ways to Love Your Roommate and Suitemates

Written by Jordan Berntson, Resident Director

As believers i...

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August 28

Why Is Chapel Significant to an RBC Student?

Written by Dr. Stephen Nichols, president and professor of apologetics

Our founder, Dr. R.C...

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August 07

Scripture Meditations for Theology Students

*Our professor of Old Testament, Dr. Ben Shaw, offers four meditations for students pursuing theolo...

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July 31

How to Maintain Spiritual Disciplines during Major Life Changes

Written by Dr. Keith Mathison, professor of systematic theology

All of us experience major c...

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June 05

When Our Studies Become an Idol

Written by Rev. Levi Berntson, assistant professor of theology

When we bring up the subject of ...

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