Student Study Secrets

Posted On April 10, 2024

As the end of the spring semester quickly approaches, our students are busily preparing for final exams and papers. We asked several upperclassmen to share their tips and tricks for effective studying:

“Don’t stress the little assignments. Do the work, complete assignments to the best of your ability, and you will do fine. As for big assignments, do that same thing but ask the tutors in the study center for advice as well. You are not striving for good grades to get praise from men but rather to glorify God. So, if you do your best, you are glorifying God, straight As or not.” —Justin

“Remember why you came. Even at a wonderful place like RBC, it is so easy to get distracted and forget that we are studying for God’s glory and to grow closer in our relationship with Him. Make sure you don’t neglect your time with God or with His saints.” —Jillian

“A key study strategy I recommend is creating a comfortable study environment, which can vary for me depending on the day and the subject at hand. I’ve also found that studying immediately after class is most effective since the information is still fresh in my mind. Additionally, I challenge myself a day or two later to recall the information from memory.” —William

“Don’t dread midterms, finals, or paper writing. Such academic tasks are opportunities for you to grow in your faith and learn how to articulate what you believe. Find ways to intentionally glorify God and enjoy Him through your hours of studying or writing. Pray through writing papers or studying for an exam. Do not let your academic pursuit of theology lose its sacred significance in your life. The Lord uses paper writing and academic examinations to remind us of our need for Him.” —Brooke

“When it comes to being a truly successful student at RBC, one must prayerfully go about their studies. From lectures and writing papers to reviewing notes for an exam, it is crucial that one surrenders their education to God. This is true in all things but especially as one studies the revelation of God. It is a worthless pursuit if these studies do not deeply and intimately grow one’s union with Christ.” —Haley

“When you get the syllabus, look at the reading schedule and see how you can budget your reading time. That way, you can stay ahead of your assignments, which will help you when studying for exams. Also, ask for help. Don’t be afraid to go to the study center or have your peers look over your paper before turning it in.” —Nick

“RBC is rigorous, but we have events and a House System for a reason. It is important to unwind, as it will help your studies in the long run. Playing games, spending time with friends, and competing at events are just as integral to the college experience as reading or studying for exams. Work hard and play hard!” —Camille

“Don’t procrastinate! I know it sounds obvious, but sometimes it’s the obvious things that we skip over. If you give yourself plenty of time and take it step by step, paper writing is easy. It’s only when you delay until the week before that it becomes difficult.” —Ben

Want to learn more about RBC’s academic programs? Visit to see what it’s like to study at the Bible college founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul.