July 24

Why I Chose RBC: Connor Foster

As he was nearing the completion of his associate’s degree at a local community college, Connor Foster was trying to determine where God was leading him next....
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July 10

How to Actively Grow Spiritually

Written by Dr. Matthew Dudreck, associate professor of New Testament If you google spiritual growth, you’ll find a lot of suggestions that are not helpful and...
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July 09

2025 Winter Conference: The 500th Anniversary of The Bondage of the Will

In 1525, Martin Luther published his seminal work, The Bondage of the Will. This theological treatise became a cornerstone of Reformation theology as Luther re...
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June 26

How Students Can Cultivate a Rich Prayer Life

Written by Dr. Ben Shaw, professor of Old Testament Growing in prayer can be challenging for any believer, but the added busyness of academic life can make pu...
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June 05

When Our Studies Become an Idol

Written by Rev. Levi Berntson, assistant professor of theology When we bring up the subject of idolatry, the well-known words of John Calvin in the Institutes...
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May 29

Three Reasons to Join RBC Online

Written by Dr. John Tweeddale, vice president of academics and professor of theology At Reformation Bible College, our goal is to educate students in the hist...
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